Ralph Baker Dotson
Ralph Baker Dotson is the owner of 2 small businesses in New Mexico, AAA Allied Septic Tank Service and Water Management Associates. He has been in the wastewater business for just over 32 years.
He is also the President of the Professional Onsite Wastewater Reuse Association of New Mexico, POWRANM. He is a National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT), Certified Inspector, NAWT Certified Installer, NAWT Certified Septic Pumper & NAWT Certified O & M (Operation and Maintenance provider).
He has been a technical advisor to the Mechanical Bureau Chief of Construction Industries Division. He has helped to write and pass rules and regulations that are in the current and past Liquid Waste Regulations in New Mexico. He also helped to re-write the MS-3 license, which is the license held by most septic installers. He also helped to re-write the MS-6 license, which is the Irrigation License.
Ralph has been featured on the cover of the national magazine Onsite Installer. Ralph has had articles written about him and the Onsite Association that have been featured in American Liquid Waste and Pumper Magazine. Ralph is proud to be a member of the National Onsite Wastewater Reuse Association (NOWRA), the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT) and the Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater (CPOW).
He has installed and maintained all types of conventional septic systems, advanced treatment units (ATU), wastewater reuse systems and Alternative Disposal Systems. Ralph is a Certified Installer Specialist as listed on the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) website. He has presented at and attended many State and National Conferences. Ralph has also been recognized as an “expert witness” by the New Mexico Courts.

Professional Onsite Wastewater Reuse Association of New Mexico (POWRANM) www.powranm.com (Current President)
National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT)
National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA)
Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater (CPOW)

Gina Dotson
Gina Dotson has been working with the business for the past 10 years. Gina coordinates the day to day operations of AAA Allied Septic Tank Service. Gina specializes in finding septic permits for Transfer of Property Inspections (she has been known to find them when no one else can).

Gino Dotson
Gino Dotson has been helping in the family business since 2012. He has attended several Wastewater Certification classes with the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT). He has passed the NAWT Pumper Certification and NAWT Inspector Certification courses. Gino is also attending New Mexico State University (NMSU) where he will be receiving his degree in Business. In the summer months Gino helps with septic system installations, pumping, evaluations and designing of systems. Gino plans to one day take over the family business.
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